Saturday, August 21, 2010


Todays A busy day,i arrived at school at 8.56 am for English although it's a Saturday,we did papers,and while doing papers i am messaging at the same time :p so,after the English Lesson,I went to Bukit Panjang Plaza to pass my time with my group of friends,and i learnt that i can actually loan magazine from Library,16 years of my life,I did not know about this,I'm so ignorant.After we returned to school,we went to our schools' Study Area to meet up with our teacher.We studied physics until we found out that we are the remaining 10 people in the school[number includes teacher].And after our physics lesson,our teacher played with us a game of basketball,and I happened to be the 1st winner,after that our teacher went back and we played by ourselves,it is soccer using basketball,it is the first time I really juggled the ball and kick it on air and goaled,soccer may be fun,but to a certain extent,but I am also not interested in soccer that much.After we left school at 6.10 pm,Daryl and I is talking about paranormal activities we encountered over the years,and we talked until the bus comes,and I ush over to my cousin house for his party,it is busy and tiring for today

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